Remote Sensing for GIS Managers

This guide to remote sensing technology presents GIS managers who have no previous remote sensing experience with the basics of integrating it with GIS data. How to use remote sensing technology as geographic data is demonstrated, as is how remote sensing products are the perfect complement to GIS-based analysis in industries such as emergency response, meteorology, water resources, land use, and urban planning. Managers are guided through the evolution of remote sensing technology and shown the approaches that different organizations have successfully used to incorporate remote sensing data into their work. Information on remote sensing history, characteristics, sensors, image products, and practical applications of remote sensing data is also included.

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  • D. Donovan, Editor/Sr. Reviewer "California B... says:

    The uses and applications of GIS 0

  • John Matlock "Gunny" says:

    Not technically oriented, this shows the what not the how Much of the information put into GIS systems presents a view from overhead. This obviously lends itself to generating that data from overhead imagery collected by airplane or satellite. This book presents a good introduction of collecting and more important, using this kind of data.As you might guess from the title, the book is aimed at the manager who is trying to get information from the GIS system/department. About half the book is on the sensors and sensor platforms. This includes not only sensors that operate in visible light, but also light in other frequencies such as infrared, and active sensors such as sonar, radar and lidar. Chapter 12 is on the applicatiosn of remote sensing within the specific firlds of agriculture, forestry, geology, meteorology, oceanography, climatology, archaeology, military and other areas including business intelligence.Being a businessman, I was surprised at the infomation available from imagry. There is an overhead picture…

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