Integrating Information Infrastructures with GI Technology (Innovations in GIS)

Integrating Information with GI Technology examines the components necessary for building infrastructure to support the panoly of Geographic Information (GI) research and services. These include novel approaches to two- and three-dimensional spatial analysis and spatio-temporal modelling. The book establishes the case for the Web as the technological backbone of internet and intranet environments, whilst recognising the importance of efficient implementation and the need for high-performance computing to deliver services and share data in an effective manner.
This book represents a change in the direction of the Innovation series by focusing on the most innovative current research and professionals in the expanding market for GI services should find this an invaluable resource.

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  • W Boudville says:

    GIS to enable a mobile Web The theme of this book is the integration and extension of current Geographic Information technology with other information infrastructures. The most important of which are those that support web operations.The promise is the taking of the World Wide Web to its next stage – a mobile web. To some extent, phone companies have seen the first edge of this, with the latest cellphones that incorporate GIS to give the location of the user. But that is just a harbinger.If a server on the…

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