GIS Tutorial for Crime Analysis

GIS Tutorial for Crime Analysis is a crime-mapping workbook for analysts and students of criminology.  This book combines step-by-step tutorials with independent exercises to introduce key GIS skills, including data preparation, template building, and map production automation. Exercises teach readers skills needed in police departments across the nation. In addition to exercises, this book includes a 180-day trial version of ArcGIS® Desktop 10 software and exercise-data. Instructor resource DVD available on request.

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  • Mark R. Jorgensen says:

    A Useful First Course for Those Who Want an Introduction to Crime Analysis and Mapping So you want to be a crime analyst? Or perhaps you are a veteran police officer who has been newly assigned these duties? Then mastering the contents of this book will be a useful step to get you that job interview and learn the elementary tasks associated with crime analysis and, more specifically, crime mapping. But you best have a whole lot more on your resume if you expect to get the job. All of the basic concepts are introduced to the reader and covered in tutorials and exercises:…

  • Bernard J. Reilly "B. Reilly" says:

    Great Book!! I am a experienced Crime Analyst who has attended several ArcGIS courses developed for law enforcement by the Department of Justice. This book has something for everyone, from the new to the experienced crime analyst. I was provided a courtesy copy of this book and was astounded by it! Having used it extensively, I would have gladly paid the asking price for it and highly recommend the book for any crime analyst using ArcGIS. The format of the material presented is clear and concise. I am…

  • Eric Eichel "Eric" says:

    Vague 0

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