GPS phones are Changing the Way People Move

There was a time not so long ago when people carried cameras in order to record momentous occasions on an outdoor excursion, and a tape deck player for entertainment purposes. The cellular phone came along, and changed these traditional means of experiencing the outdoors by offering all of these features packaged into a single phone unit. This has led to many different makes and models of cell phones becoming available, including the GPS phone.

Know the Location of the Caller

GPS phones are the latest technological inventions that are allowing people to know instantly where a caller is located, and are much like having your own tracking system contained in a simple and convenient handheld device. The GPS phone system will track down the location of any caller, anywhere in the world. It works on radio navigation via signals obtained through satellites that are orbiting the earth.

The first consumer use of the GPS can be traced back to around 1995, although the United States military has been using a version of the system since 1978. The main components of a GPS system include satellites, earth monitoring systems and the receivers themselves. Satellites send out signals to the earth, which are received by a GPS phone where they are processed in order to determine the location of the caller. The more signals that are received, the more accurate the information that the GPS phone will be able to provide to the owner of the phone.

Perhaps the most advantageous use of the GPS phone is its use in an emergency situation, when a 911 call can easily be made via the mobile phone. The GPS technology will allow the emergency crews to pinpoint the location of the caller, and thus provide speedier help to the affected person or persons.

GPS phones will no doubt also provide precise location information; however, there are laws that protect the user by only allowing information pertaining to the owner of the GPS phone to be released with the owner’s consent. The exception to this rule is a 911 emergency situation. Thus, society as a whole greatly benefits from the GPS technology that is embodied in GPS phones, and the world has shrunk to a much smaller size. Users of this new technology can be reassured about their safety when they do wander beyond their familiar borders.

Of course, an owner may be concerned about the issue of privacy when it comes to this readily available information. In this regard, there have been many court rulings in favor of protecting the privacy of the GPS phone owner; so most need not worry unduly about privacy being breached. With laws to protect phone users, there is no reason why a GPS phone owner cannot enjoy the advantages of GPS technology and have their security needs met adequately without their privacy being breached.

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